Noelia is an Argentine actress and director born in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, currently based in Spain. At the age of 12, her school teachers summoned her parents to show them a play written, directed and starred by herself. Since the day she entered the Theater Conservatory, she knew this would become her profession.
Having completed her High School and Associate Degree studies she moved to the city of Buenos Aires to continue training in Interpretation, Singing and Dancing disciplines at Fundación Julio Bocca. There she won a Merit Scholarship to improve her acting skills with the renowned Argentine actor, director and teacher Julio Chávez.
While working as an actress for Argentinean and international theatre, TV and cinema productions, she finished the Bachelor and Professor of Social Communication and Journalism at National University of La Plata (UNLP), where she deepened into the audiovisual field as a communication tool.
Her curiosity and interest in human being behaviour led her to investigate the stage direction work and then the audiovisual language. Noelia found a place to express herself from the script and the creative production to the interpretation and direction work.
Recognized for her great performance as an actress and drama coach, she also gave acting workshops for TV and theatre both in Buenos Aires and Barcelona, where she is currently based developing her artistic and professional career.
Among her most remarkable works we can find the film VARADOS (2017) where she worked as an actress, director and co-writer. Also, MIQVA LA SERIE WEB (2016), where she worked as a director and co-writer. She participated in theater festivals in Argentine, Spain, Italy, France, UK and USA where she was nominated as BEST DIRECTOR. The feature film CHOLO released in 2015 gave her the BEST ACTRESS award in an Argentinean Film Festival. As well, she played the main character in the movie 36 PASOS (2006) directed by the renowned Adrián García Bogliano.
After premiering three Microtheatre plays in Barcelona: EL SILENCIO DE MÓNICA (2019) by the renowned author of “El Loco y La Camisa” Nelson Valente, VERSE (2018) with which she won the FIRST PRIZE of the Horeca Zaragoza´s Competition and LA PECERA ( 2018) by Mariela Anastasio, and after the end of the live-zoom theater season of ¿CUANDO ME LO IBAS A CONTAR? (2020) by Lautaro Perotti, produced by TIMBRE 4, she is currently working on her first one-woman play EL HAZ MÁS INTENSO DEL MUNDO (2023 - 2024) by Jazmín García Sathicq and to release the film FARO (2023) from the producers of EL HOYO, in all theaters in Spain.